Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Makisha Boothe: Founder and Head Business Coach of Sistahbiz Global Network, a business accelerator for Black women entrepreneurs – Episode 146



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to bring you this extraordinary woman - Makisha Boothe: Founder and Head Business Coach of Sistahbiz Global Network, a business accelerator for Black women entrepreneurs. In this episode we jam on thinking bigger and moving through fear, and more! Hear about how Makisha started Sistahbiz for Black women entrepreneurs How Sistahbiz grew from a Facebook group to a thriving business community online How Makisha is helping women learn about how to access capital with emotional and mental readiness The biggest challenges and opportunities lined up for Sistahbiz Makisha’s support system and strategies for self-care that contribute to business success How to muster the courage to grow your business Learn how to face your fears and get your confidence back How Makisha’s clients call her “the business therapist” Makisha’s source of inspiration and happiness Honored by the Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce with the Clara Brown Award, Recipient of the