
Resumes Matter with Latesha Byrd



In this week’s episode of Secure The Seat, I interview Latesha Byrd. We discuss the importance of keeping your Resume up-to-date and ways to enhance it during COVID 19.  Latesha Byrd’s work is centered at the intersection of self-discovery, career empowerment, and life visioning. She is the founder of Byrd Career Consulting, a 100% women employed consulting agency based in Charlotte, NC, which has provided career development coaching and resources to 900+ professionals in over 30 industries within the US and internationally. Her clients have increased their salaries combined over $3 million, landing jobs at top companies such as LinkedIn, Google, Amazon, KPMG, E&Y, Salesforce, Department of Homeland Security and more. Latesha is also an Adjunct Faculty at the North Carolina A&T State University, and a Certified Life and Career Coach. If she’s not coaching or speaking, she’s recording her weekly career advice podcast with Living Corporate, The Link Up With Latesha. Website: https://www.lateshabyrd