Finding Your Forté

“Laugh, Only on Sundays” with Mo The Comedian



Finding Your Forté - Just an introspective conversation with people from various business, skill and talent backgrounds; exploring their motivations, experiences and opinions all things business, life and everything in between. Kick back and take in how others have started, sustained but also failed with some of their endeavours. Learn how they found their forté and maybe even spark your forté. This episode I sit down with Mo Giligan or how others may know him - Mo The Comedian. Either or, we explore his journey within the comedic scene; from doing those first gigs to an intimidate crowd to crossing over from the "urban" scene from his early days doing Sunday Show to more mainstream gigs and working on CBBC and Snapchat USA. Understand what it means to chase an unconventional passion, those highs and lows but the humorous stories along the way.