
Udo Erasmus



Embracing the energy within is the advice of health expert, Udo Erasmus, the founder of Udo's Choice supplements and today's guest.  According to Udo that not only means a sexier you (no matter what age) but it might also keep you alive.  The COVID 19 pandemic has tipped the scales on everybody but no more so than today's senior population, who have  been targeted by some as being sacrificial lambs so the rest of the world can get back to work. Udo lays out a framework for an inner journey to embrace the ache of the heart and in the process find new energy and meaning in sickness and in health. Make no mistake about this - we will get through this, and Udo's advice is a gigantic message of HOPE. Free downloads from Udo Total Sexy Life Free Download Your Body Needs an Oil Change - Free Download