Clarity Podcast

C24 The Calling Talk



In this follow up to their purpose episode, Rich and Ruben process what it means to have an individual meaning and life purpose. Here are the six questions they talk through in order to develop a personal calling statement, for your own personal reflection:  Take these question and use 30 minutes to discover what Jesus is calling you to do 1. What would you take a 50% salary cut and still do? OR What would you do for free?  2. What did you love to do as a child?[it can look more grown up now]  3. Think back in your life to the last time your day flew by and you lost track of time? 4. What breaks your heart the most? 5. What barriers are currently stopping you from living out your calling? [or getting in the way]  6. What changes do you have to make to use the gifts God has given you to their maximum impact?