Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Prioritizing Self Care to Elevate



Prioritizing self care right now is the best thing you can do for yourself and for humanity. We are being asked to fully surrender and trust that whatever is going to happen is exactly what is meant to happen for the greatest and highest good of all. We don't have control over our external environment right now or can even really predict what is exactly going to happen but we do have complete control over our own personal vibration.  Creating self discipline to prioritize your self care and keep your vibration high by doing the things that really light you up is the best way to gain that sense of control and comfort.  Try any of my free meditations on this podcast to tap into the higher vibrational energies that are available to you now.  If you'd like to book a session or work together email me at hholladay@gmail.com follow me on Instagram or TikTok for more! https://www.instagram.com/hannahlholladay/