10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

5 Kickass Tips to Beat the Quarantine Blues with Guest Mentor Dr. Bridget Cooper



Listen here to get mindset coaching, strategies, and tips necessary for adjusting to life during the COVID-19 crisis. [About Dr. Bridget] Best-selling author of five books on communication, conflict, change, and empowerment, Dr. B’s ambitious mission is to change the world, one hopeful life at a time. Born onto the welfare system and raised by wolves, she’s made her own success, one broken fingernail at a time. She knows heartache and hopelessness and she also knows the power of the mind and spirit to carry you upward. With degrees in human resources, counseling, and leadership, Dr. B sculpts the leader in all of us by making us better people first. With over 15 years in business conducting retreats, seminars, keynotes, and providing executive and life coaching, her clients run the gamut from the Girl Scouts to Vietnam vets, universities to jails, insurance companies to massage therapists.  [10-Minute Challenge] "3 Beautiful Things" to bring love and joy back into your life [Connect] http://drbridgetcoo