Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 35: A Very PFR DMX-mas



The Three Wise Guys are here spreading DMX-mas cheer for all to hear... whether you like it or not. Alaina is not here... She won't answer her phone... Is she dead? One can only hope. Charles brags about how great he is at buying gifts. Dutch never believed in Santa. So, he's always been a joyless curmudgeon. Friend of the show, and legit crazy person, Alex Jones, has declared war on The War On Christmas. What are the best Christmas Movies? What are the worst? Who cares? We call our friend Carol, and she's somethin' else. Aaron brings us a cheery SubReddit Of The Week. We try to do the Period Report(seriously, is Alaina Dead?), AND SOOO MUCH MORE!!!!!!! MERRY DMX-mas SWEET DARLINGS!