Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 21: Cosmic Royal Rumble



Episode 21 is here, and it's a Bro-down-throw-down! Alaina is missing... where could she be? Chucky-tater-sacks is back, and he ain't fuckin' around. We hear from Bishop Bullwinkle from The Church Of Nothin' But The Truth. Whatever happened to Treat Williams? We talk about music a lot. A LOT. Aaron and Dutch get progressively more intoxicated as the show goes on, which is rad. We find out what the FEMA camps are for. WESTBORO BAPTIST! WE'RE COMING FOR YOU, SUCKAS!! Mike IwannaHitHimWithATruckabee is a dick-farmer. We intro Chuck to the world's greatest rapper, Slim Jesus. We talk about the latest video everyone is so butthurt about. Dutch has a plan to relieve the stress of a certain county clerk. #DICKDOWN The subreddit of the week, the period report... and SOOOOOO MUCH MOOOOOOOORE!!!!!! Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Podkicker, and anywhere podcasts are found. Follow us on twitter @PillowFortRadio