Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 20: You Gotta Really Mash It



Rejoice, my darlings! Pillow Fort Radio is back in your life. Mysteriously, Chucky Tater-Sacks is absent... Where could he be? In his absence, we talk about all things 9/11, from where we were when it happened, conspiracy theories, to the giant list of songs Clear Channel wanted pulled from their stations in the aftermath. There's a new saviour for hip hop... he's slim... He's Jesus... He's Slim Jesus! And he's the proverbial bees knees! A WalMart employee was caught giving himself the ole 1-2 on the job, we discuss how important it is to jerk it at work. Alaina thinks we're savages... and... she's not wrong. Satan placed a new species of a human-like thingy-ma-bob in an easily found place to make people question the fact that the earth is 6 thousand years old. A dumb white lady loses her shit at a restaurant because she's a whiny, entitled twat. What's the deal with Menstrual cups? Aaron brings us the Subreddit of the week! An in-depth discussion on waffle-stomping. Another scintillating period report! AND S