Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 19: The Church Of The Divine Ass Kicking



Greetings, my sweet darlings. Episode 19 is upon us and the light of the Flying Spaghetti Monster brings you good news! Presidential candidate, and all-around swell guy, Donald Trump is in the pillow fort this week, but he pretty much ignores us the whole show. Chuck wonders if he should join us in getting hammered for the 21st episode. We discuss our first memories, and saying things you really shouldn't say, even though they're hilarious. Aaron has a new nickname(thanks, Leonard). Charles tells us about a book(of course he does)on time traveling by Stephen King. A young redheaded dude preaches to/screams at us about the dangers of marijuana. #SayNopeToDope Aaron's dick is mostly meatus, which is neat. Aaron brings us a new subreddit of the week. Charles makes a plea for one Diane Franklin's affection. Dutch explains in full detail why the county clerk lady pisses him so much.Alaina wows us with a new period report... is this finally the week? Tom Petty is awesome... AND SOOOOO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Su