Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 17: Not My 3rd Eye Kind



Episode 17 is here, Pillow Biters! We are joined by expert Alaina impressionist, Jeremy Morriston! J-Mo is a multi-talented ginger from parts unknown, and he's here to fuck shit up. We talk about the recreationally offended culture that is working to silence people joking about things that are funny. Gorillas are strong as fuck, yall. Gene Simmons is a twat. Chuck rants about working in the restaurant industry, and how you're treated like a lower form of life by the customers and management. The Subway guy is going to the big house. Is it OK to make jokes about him getting raped in prison? We think so. J-Mo saw evil murderer, Don Blankenship, and he didn't know what to do. What is the best TV show theme? We talk about joke thieves and why they're garbage people. We talk about the 90's. Aaron brings us the SubReddit of the week. The strangest period report yet, AND SOOOOOO MUCH MMOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!