Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 10: Not If It's Dick-Shaped



Episode 10 is here, you guys! IT'S A CELEBRATION! In this episode we discuss how there appears to be a certain group of people who feel as though they are being discriminated against because they can no longer discriminate against another certain group of people. Aaron discusses his fever dreams. Young Clooney vs. Old Clooney. MMMMmmmmm Henry Cavill. Christopher Columbus was a cunt. TRUCK NUTS!!!! Alaina seems to have a bee in her bonnet. Chuck breaks down the Roman Empire. Aaron brags about his prowess at the gentleman's game of volleyball. We pretty much sing the entirety of "Total Eclipse Of The Heart". Aaron Made Alaina pee her pants. The Subreddit of the week, The Period Report, AND SOOO MUCH MOOOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!