Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 9: You're Obviously A Bottom



SWEET SASSY MOLASSEY! We are back and we are FULLY TRUMP-ified! We are ready for the greatest businessman God ever created to become the greatest president of the greatest country God ever created! Same-sex marriage is legal as fuck, y'all! We discuss who we'd like to same-sex marry since it's now mandatory. MmMmmmmm... Henry Cavill. Boondock Saints sucks, but we still like it. The evil gub'mint is banning our sweet symbol of freedom, the rebel flag, and we are torn to pieces about it. Memories of the Kanawha Mall. Chuck makes terrorist threats, which is neat. Did you guys hear that P. Diddy hit a motherfucker with a kettlebell? There's a sexy gorilla in Japan, and we give him a new name. The Lee Greenwood Conspiracy is real. WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Aaron brings us the subreddit of the week. Alaina bestows upon us the period report. A special announcement from the desk of President Obama, AND SOOO MUCH MOREEEEE!!!!!!!!