AdminDev Labs

BSD Administration and C-Isms



## BSD Administration and C-isms ### Deploying to OpenBSD - Played with OpenBSD and HTTPD - Not your Grandpa's HTTPD - Based on relayd - Features - Very similar to Nginx - Macros - Global conf - Sever declaration - ACME Client - Automatic Certificate Management Environment (phew) - Location blocks - Connect with Let's Encrypt - _Sane_ Defaults - Say it with me - Protections in place to protect the system admin and users - You "unlock" what you want to use - Traffic - Couldn't tell (too low) - Rendered/responded very well - Basic stress testing showed no difference than Linux ### Writing in Userland - AKA user space - Kernel exposes itself via API - Use system calls to hitup the kernel - Interrupt happens, processes process, kernel goes on about day - Pointers, I/O, networking - Writing to file - Allocating memory - Sending packets - Caching - Web server in C - Mainstream examples - Smaller projects - Without VM or Garbage Collection ### Fun Filled Excitement - Debian potentially migrating off E-mail - First B