Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

God’s will vs self-will... great question, but is it just another attempt to... Ep 69



Is it God’s will or my will? Am I being driven by my higher power, or is it just my self-centered thinking? These are ultimately the questions we are taught to ask in recovery and in many spiritual circles. Even those that don’t believe in a higher power, ask similar questions like, what is the right thing to do in this moment? Or, is this decision selfless or selfish? All are attempts to get out of our own way and make better decisions for ourselves and others. However, what I've come to find out is, I can also use questions like these in an attempt to manage, manipulate, control and avoid responsibility. Sometimes, when I ask the question, is it Gods will or my will, what I really want is for my HP to just give me the answer so I don't have to worry about making the wrong decision. Or, I just want my fear, stress and anxiety to go away and I blame it on the struggle to find what God’s will is for me. Where I often find challenge is in the area between planning for the future, setting goals, having aspiratio