Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

I’ll defend anything, even if it’s killing me - Ep 68



How often do you find yourself defending something that doesn’t even matter? Simply, because you’re caught in the moment? I find myself there often; defending my behavior, my view, my intentions, my parenting, my food, my space and even my defects of character... All in an effort to ”not be controlled or told.” When I’m caught in the grip of my ego, fear and insecurity, I’ll defend it to the death... Metaphorically of course! On this episode, I cover my thoughts inspired by a video I watched on youtube called ”Wayne Dyer Speech According to the Tao” - definitely, look it up! He covers life as an unfolding, detaching from the outcome, and resisting the instinct to control everything around us. In our lives, our relationships and our recovery path, it is our responsibility to seek our true motivation. What is it that is really causing us to feel this way, to act in this manner or to defend this position? Virtually everything I talk to you about is for me... I need to hear it, I need to do it and I need the remi