Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Ep 65: Finding the Sweet Spot in Your Personal Growth... It’s a Moving Target



One of the most valuable lessons I have to learn over and over again is, life is full of contradiction. What worked at one point in my recovery doesn't work anymore. Things that never bothered me before, now bother me. Things that were not negotiable before, have been negotiated... A number of times. All these ideas, situations and opinions I would have sworn to be true are... Well... It's complicated! I had a great conversation with the Executive Director of the Save A Warrior Program (SAW) out of Newark Ohio. They have a 4 day retreat for Military and First Responders who's sole intention is to eliminate suicide in that population. He was such an interesting guy and inspired me to reflect on my own daily recovery. In this episode, I share the areas that I've called into question and what I plan on doing about it. If you know someone struggling with mental health and suicidal thoughts, please reach out. We'd love to help.