Kettlebrook West Bend

Little Children, Luke 18: 15- 17



Questions for Reflection/ Discussion: 1. Share a story of either your own dependence upon an adult when you were a kid or a child you know depending on you. What was that like for you? 2. Read Luke 18:9-14 for context of the encounter in verses 15-17. Which of the two individuals mentioned can you most identify with and why? 3. Read Luke 18:15-17 out loud. In your group, try to imagine this encounter. Try to describe the scene as it comes to mind. Describe how you imagine the parents, the children, the disciples, and Jesus. 4. Jesus says, “The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these (children).” What about this statement might bother you? What might encourage you? Why? 5. The people wanted Jesus to touch their children (exert a modifying influence), not simply touch at a surface level. In what ways does your life reflect either a desire for Jesus to exert life changing influence or just a surface blessing? 6. In what ways might you be “hindering” the next generation in coming to Jesus? 7. What step mig