Kettlebrook West Bend

Full of Joy, Matthew 2: 1- 12



Questions for Reflection/ Discussion: 1. In what ways might your life seem too “full” right now? Why do you think this is the case? 2. Read Matthew 2:1-12 three or four times. What sticks out to you as you read it? What questions do you have? 3. In verse 3 it says that King Herod was “troubled or disturbed” upon hearing from the magi. Why do you think he was disturbed? In what ways might you be able to identify with him? 4. Tim Keller was quoted as writing, “If you want to be king, and someone else comes along saying he is the king, then one of you has to give in.” What do you think about this comment? How might this be true in your own heart and life? 5. What elements of your life are meant to point to Jesus, but you might instead be leveraging to point to yourself? Why do you think this is the case? What next step could you take to change this?