Kettlebrook West Bend

Empowered by Everybody: APEST, Colossians 1: 9-14



Questions for Discussion: 1. If you have not done so already, please take the gifts survey. 2. What are some things that you are passionate about? Gifted in? 3. What experiences (sufferings, successes, failures, etc.) has God used to grow you? In what ways might these experiences be used to point others to Jesus? To help build up others in the family of faith? Others outside the family of faith? 4. What barriers might you be facing with respect to bearing fruit in every way and in every good work through Jesus? 5. Read Colossians 1:9-14. In verse 12 Paul/Timothy bring up an “inheritance” that Jesus has qualified His followers for a share in. What do you think this inheritance consists of? If you follow Jesus, in what ways are you stewarding this inheritance now? 6. What next steps might you take this week to bless God, the body of Christ, and the world in every way and every good work?