Kettlebrook West Bend

Life Through the Spirit, Galatians 5: 16-23



Questions for Reflection/ Discussion: 1. If you are a follower of Jesus, when did you become aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life? What was that like? What difference did it make? 2. We often make the assumption that once we become a follower of Jesus, all our problems will go away and we’ll just automatically become ‘better’ people. What is wrong with that assumption? 3. Read Galatians 5:16-17. What are the two dynamics in conflict with each other? How have you seen this in your own life? 4. In Galatians 5:19-21 Paul lists a varied list of specific behaviors typical of our ‘flesh’ (sinful nature). Each one of us has our own proclivities towards some of these more than others. Which ones do you naturally lean towards. Do you know why? 5. Once the Holy Spirit takes up residence 1. in our lives, he goes through the ‘house’ of our life and points out things/areas that need work or need to be changed out. What do you want him to change out in your life right now? 6. Verse 24 says that t