Kettlebrook West Bend

Resurrection Sunday, Luke 24:1-8



Questions for Reflection / Discussion 1. What memories of Resurrection Sunday do you have from your past? How do you most enjoy spending this day now and why? 2. There was not a crowd of Jesus’ disciples outside his tomb on the 3rd day counting down to His resurrection because “nobody expects no body.” Why do you think this was the case? Why do you think the account would be recorded this way? 3. Read Matthew 12:6. What do you think Jesus means when He says these words? 4. In John chapter 2, Jesus comes into the temple and starts flipping over tables. The people ask, What gives You the authority to do this?” Has Jesus ever flipped over some “tables” in your life? What was that like? 5. In what ways do you challenge Jesus’ authority over your life? Why is this the case? 6. If the claims of Jesus are true, they have significant bearing on each of our lives. What has kept/is keeping you from further exploring his profound claims? 7. What vase/trophies are you holding up in your life, knowing