Kettlebrook West Bend

Lamentations 2



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Do you prefer to attend weddings or funerals more? Why is that? What happens if we refuse to attend funerals? What happens to us as people? 2. Can you remember a season when you or a friend/family member were lamenting? What helped? What were the things that people did which were meaningful? What didn’t help (or maybe even hurt?) 3. Jesus says in Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn…”. Why is that so? Do you agree with him? Why or why not? 4. How does lamenting recognize the tension of the ’now, but not yet’ Kingdom of God in our world? 5. Read Lamentations chapter 2. What are things that you notice? What verses stood out to you? Why? 6. Pay attention to verses 18-19. Have you ever ‘cried out to the Lord’ over the brokenness of our world or ‘poured out your heart’ that things would be right in your world? What do we gain by this? Why do we diminish the power of prayer/petition in our lives? 7. What is one thing you can do this season of Lent to intention