Kettlebrook West Bend

Humility, Daniel 4



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. In what ways might you be wearing dribbling goggles with respect to your life? 2. Read chapter 4, verse 19. Why do you think Daniel is fearful? In what ways does Daniel respond and why? Can you identify at all with Daniel’s position in these verses? 3. Read Daniel 4, verse 27. What is Daniel’s unsolicited advice to the king? How might you feel giving advice like this to a king? Have you ever given this kind of advice someone else? What was that like? Have you ever received this kind of advice? What was that like? 4. Read Daniel 4:30. In what ways might you talk like this in your own life? What can you learn and apply from Nebuchadnezzar’s account with respect to this? 5. Four times in this account (vv. 17, 25, 26 and 32) it is mentioned that Nebuchadnezzar needed to “acknowledge that the Most High is Sovereign.” Are there areas in your own life where you need to do this too? If so, what are they? 6. How might you apply both ver