Kettlebrook West Bend

Repentance, Luke 18:9-17



Questions for discussion: 1. What does ‘growing up’ mean to you? Why do you think so many people grow old but refuse to grow up? What prevents them from doing so? 2. When do you feel like you ‘grew up?’ In what ways do you still need to ‘grow up?’ 3. Why do you think repentance is so important for growing up in the Kingdom? Is it possible to grow up in Christ without repentance? 4. Read Luke 13:1-9. What is God looking for in keeping with repentance? What does that look like? 5. Read Luke 18:9-14. Have someone retell the story in their own words. What does this story tell you about God? About people? What do you think you need to do as a result of this teaching? 6. What is one area in your life where you would like to see God’s Kingdom come? What do you think you need to do in order to see that happen?