Kettlebrook West Bend

Free to Hope, Romans 8:18-27



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. What is something you are currently hoping for? Why are you hoping for it? 2. In what ways are you currently suffering? 3. How does Paul try to encourage followers of Jesus with respect to suffering in Romans 8:18? In what ways might this be an encouragement to you? 4. Read Romans 8:17-27. What is something you are “groaning” for/about? We find three things in this text that are “groaning”. What are they and what are they groaning for? 5. Paul uses the phrase “waits eagerly” three times in this text. John Stott noted that we must be both eager and patient. Where on the spectrum of eagerness and patience would you place yourself with respect to Christ’s return? Why do you think this is the case? 6. What are some hopes in your life that might be misplaced hopes? 7. Paul writes that, “We do not know what we ought to pray for…” In what ways can you relate to this statement? What help does Paul suggest is offered to us? 8. Assuming you have the Holy Spirit