Kettlebrook West Bend

Compelling Change Titus 3:3-8



Questions for Reflection: 1. Define philanthropy in your own words. 2. When you think of a philanthropist, who comes to mind? What makes them one? 3. In Titus 3:2, Paul encourages the followers of Jesus to show true humility toward all men. Are there people that you try to avoid? Why is that? 4. In Titus 3:3 Paul writes a list of things that describe some of the things that described the followers of Jesus in the past. Look over the list. In what ways have you also been guilty of living like this? 5. In Titus 3:8 Paul comments that verses 4-7 is what Titus is to stress to the followers of Jesus. How would verses 4- 7, if fully grasped, motivate people to be ready to do whatever is good and to engage in doing what is good? 6. In what was can you stress verses 4-7 in your own life to yourself? To others? 7. How is Jesus “philanthropy” in the truest sense of the word? How is this true in your own life? 8. How can you specifically engage others in the philanthropy of Jesus Christ this week?