Kettlebrook West Bend

From Corrupt to Compelling, Titus 1:9-16



Overview Video of Titus (from The Bible Project): Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Who do you know that lives a life that is compelling? What is compelling about it/them? 2. Did God use someone else’s compelling life to draw you to Himself? If so, please reflect upon (and if applicable share) the story. 3. Read Titus 1:9-16. What is the trustworthy message the Paul refers to? 4. The Christ followers on Crete lived in a very chaotic culture, and were apparently, ripe for rules to combat chaos. In what ways might you be similarly tempted? 5. Paul describes some as being “corrupted.” In what ways have you found yourself to be corrupted? How is the gospel good news to this corruption? 6. In what ways might you, like some in the Cretan church, “Profess to know God, but by your deeds, deny Him”? What is Paul’s suggested solution for you? 7. Ask someone who knows you well this week to give you honest feedback as to whether or not