Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

“Black Economic Inequality: #RACEMatters”



“Black Economic Inequality: #RaceMatters"RACEMatters” Guest: Dr. Toure F. Reed, Professor of History and Author of “Toward Freedom: The Case Against Race Reductionism”  Live & Call-In  Listen or Call – In (347) 838-9852 Dr. Toure Reed is a fourth generation African American educator and third generation professor. Dr. Reed’s research interests center on race, class, and inequality. Professor Reed’s research focuses on the impact of race and class ideologies on African American civil rights politics and US public policy . In his new book, he examines the fate of poor and working-class African Americans and contends that the road to a more just society for African Americans and everyone else is obstructed, in part, by a discourse that equates entrepreneurialism with freedom and independence. OUR COMMON GROUND provides unique and critical informed observation provoking new ways of thinking; blazing paths rethink the foundation to EMPOWER Black self, others and communities.