Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio-Breaking Hobby Stereotypes KD2GTM Sara Tibbetts



Ham Radio-Breaking Hobby Stereotypes with KD2GTM!   In her first ever podcast appearance, Sara Tibbetts stops by to chat about Ham Radio and Today's Youth.  Sara is currently an Electrical Engineering Student at RIT and an Active Ham Radio Op! Intrigued by her fellow students Ham Radio's, Sara decided to give it a go and got her ticket!  Little did she know that the DX bug bites quick and often.  Not one to let her operating position hold her back-Sara actively chases DX from her Apartment Building! Continuing to work to break the mold; Sara now V-logs (video blogging) about her experiences as a New Ham.  Her YouTube Channel can be found Here! Sara also serves as VP with her School's Radio Club K2GXT . K2GXT on Facebook She also participates with RARA : the Rochester Amateur Radio Association in NY. 73 Y'all! K4CDN