Nervous Habits With Ricky Rosen

Nervous Habits - Episode 6: Reforming Bad Habits, Conversations with Strangers, and Forgotten Fiber



Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen addresses those pressing issues that are keeping you awake at night, including: --Why habits are a necessary component of our lives, and a simple way for you to mend those nagging habits... --How you can stop snacking in the middle of the day when you're not even hungry... --Why eye contact is the key to making connections with others... --How exactly you would go about starting a conversation with someone in public, and finally... --Why the lack of fiber in our diets is the most serious nutritional deficiency in America that nobody is talking about, and how to get more fiber in your daily regimen.   Where to Go to Get More Information: 1. For More on the Three-Step Habit Loop and How to Change Bad Habits The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg   2. For More on the Comfort Challenges (Eye Contact; Smiling at Others) The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris   3. For More on Dietary Fiber   4. For more on the USDA's Dietary Guideline for