Kevin Ecock's Winepod

Stuart Dudley: Villa Maria Viticulturist and Vintage (Movie ) Star



Before everything locked down we had the distinct honor of chatting to Villa Maria viticulturist Stuart Dudley. The occasion was the premier of the Villa Maria movie 'Vintage'. It was a suitably glittering launch held at the Stella in Rathmines and hosted by Irish agents Barry Fitzwilliam.    and yes, I managed to forget Stuart was the viticulturist and not the winemaker!! Blame the popcorn.  Stuart entertaining Tomas Clancy at the Stella event Vintage follows the major players as they take on the task of bringing grapes in for a vintage in the Marlborough region of New Zealand. This is a hands on movie best viewed with a glass of Villa Maria close by! It's a really great watch and highly recommended. Watch a trailer HERE.   We recorded this podcast on a make shift 'studio' at the stage in Rathmines just before the movie began. My photo doesn't do us justice. It was quite innovative and Stuart was brilliant. Villa Maria continues to make great wine. They can only do this by growing great grapes. That's Stua