Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Tosha Silver – Nurturing your relationship with the Inner Divine through these trying times – Episode 151



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to bring you this extraordinary woman: Tosha Silver, Author of It's Not Your Money, Outrageous Openness and Change Me Prayers. In this Episode: Listen in on Tosha’s astrological thoughts on the COVID-19 crisis opening to to the Divine Feminine rising The paradigm shift happening on the inclusion of the feminine and not just the masculine The call of the universe to shift from a utilitarian to an offering mentality How people are now seeing the bigger purpose that’s beyond their individual selves The balance between the feminine and the masculine and what it means Respect for individual differences and honoring emotions Self-care for Tosha All about Tosha’s book, “It’s Not Your Money”, the divine “Source”, and abundance practices Tosha Silver grew up thinking one day she would be a rabbi, a lawyer, or a weathergirl. But fate had other ideas. She graduated from Yale with a degree in English Literature but along the way fell madly in love with me