Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Emotional Sobriety Series E3: Trait 2 - approval seeker, losing our identity. Trait 3 - frightened of angry people and criticism



Trait 2: We became approval seekers and lost our identity in the process.  Trait 3: We are frightened by angry people and any personal criticism. Oh boy, these are some goodies!! I've been an approval seeker all my life.  If I could get you to like me or if I could get you on my side, then, I would feel safe.  The problem was, I had to become a chameleon just to fit, and in turn, eventually lost my identity.   When it comes to angry people, I had an odd thing that I would do that kept me in a familiar shame cycle.  In an effort to be liked and make sure people wouldn't get angry, i.e. so I could feel safe, I would try and befriend guys that has a reputation with getting angry.  Then, when they turned on me, I would be forced to back away with my tail between my legs because I was terrified of fighting.  I was always confused by why it kept happening to me however, I've recently realized, I created it all for myself! If you know someone that could benefit from hearing somethi