Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

If what you see is all pretty... it ain't all true! E71



How often do you look at someone's post on Facebook or Instagram and say to yourself, "man, they really have a great life... or family... or great... whatever."  "If I just had that car... then... everything would be OK!" "Man, if I just had a six-pack and a full head of hair, my life would be totally different!" Intellectually, most people also know that social media is just a highlight reel of the great things in people's life.  However, it doesn't change that little pang in the gut that one gets when they tell themselves they don't match up.  Comparison and judgment is a killer! Whether you are the type to beat yourself up or the one who lashes out at others, these two defects can wreak havoc on our emotions.  I tend to index towards the middle, not totally believing most things I see and hear online or read in books.  Not that I'm a conspiracy theorist or pessimist, I just think that offen, the truth falls somewhere in the middle.  Most things usually aren't as good or as bad as you think they are. This a