Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Back & forth from prison, every drug under the sun, Suboxone and a profound spiritual experience E70



Michael "Sweets" Wilson has a story similar to many. They start using drugs at an early age, their arrests get more and more serious causing them to bounce back-and-forth from prison to society and back. Michael was no exception, he started to believe that maybe he was an animal, meant to be locked up in a cage. Then, something happened. Maybe it was fate, the thought of his children growing up without a father, the disappointment from is family. Michael decided to give it one last shot. Today, he has over 10 years clean and sober, he and a partner in a recovery house, he’s an interventionist for families struggling with addiction and even has a podcast called, ”Collateral Damage”. He also has a book called, Loving Lions, that you can get on Amazon. We cover all of my favorite topics, anonymity, medically assisted treatment, Twelve-step work, building community, and everything else we could squeeze in. On this episode, Michael tells his story, how he went from the bottom of bottoms to the top of the top. How