Faith Talks

055 - Things Obey Words Part 4



"We have what we say" is a spiritual law. (Proverbs 18:21, Mark 11:23) This law works 100% of the time when we use our words for moving mountains and calling things that be not into being, but it also works 100% of the time when we use our words to complain, criticise, judge, curse, speak negatively, and talk about the problem. We are either attracting life or death to our lives through our words. But Good News! In His great grace and love toward us, God has given us a precise and detailed Instruction Manual (the Word of God) in which He shows us both how to use this spiritual law to our advantage and enrich our lives, and also how to avoid using our mouth as a magnet for death, disaster, and destruction. Listen to this week's episode to learn more!