Abc Messages Featuring Pastor Ben Poole

How To Find Your Way Home



Ekklesia- the called out and set apart gathering of God’s children. The Way- Early followers of Jesus were called The Way. Before GPS there were theses things called Maps. I had on that I kept in my glove box. I mean I kept it there and never pulled it out. In northern Rural Indiana I would go to a concert or visit a friend in a different county. On the way home at night everything looked different and I could not navigate by landmarks. If I could not find my way home, I would look around and look for a large light glow in the distance. Then I would point my car towards that and drive. If I could find a town, I would find a bigger road and I would know where I was. If I found the light, then I could find my way home. Let us open the book of Mark. John Mark is the author. John Mark was a disgraced disciple in his younger years. He was a follower of Paul and Barnabas. Then he got homesick or needed a break and ran away. Little history about Mark. This will give you context of our narrator’s per