10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

Goal Setting for Dummies



We all set goals. It’s easy to say, “I want to” do or achieve a certain desired thing. But have you ever wondered why some people can achieve their goals easily and effortlessly while others struggle with countless hardships and obstacles - often never even coming close to the finish line? Has this ever happened to you? You really wanted something and made it your goal but along the way ran into obstacle after obstacle and it seemed like opposing forces were stopping you from achieving the desired outcome. Maybe that goal was professional in nature such as growing a business or landing a better paying job. It could have been personal in nature such as improved health and fitness or becoming more financially stable. Or perhaps the goal rested in the realm of enhancing the overall quality of relationships in life. Whatever the case, the goal was set but failed to be achieved due to seemingly outside and uncontrollable forces. Does that sound familiar? If so, then this episode was made just for you.  [10-Mi