AdminDev Labs

SecBSD, OpenBSD, and AWK OH MY



SecBSD Why SecBSD? LINUX SUCKS Jk, don’t gank me bro. First heard about it on an interview with BSD Bandit. “…nor do we want to have defaults that run tools as UID 0 (root). OpenBSD is our preferred platform, with the relentless focus on security, shipping with sane defaults, proper documentation and a thorough and constant auditing process.” Security researchers comfortable with OpenBSD/*BSD platforms. Bug hunters, bounty hunters, penetration testers wanting to flex on the Linux kernel. Probably need to know a little (see: a lot) about how Information Security/Offensive Security works. Stages and process of an engagement. Don’t treat this as gatekeeping treat it as an opportunity to learn. OffSec Tools aircrack ng arp scan burpsuite ccrypt cvechecker dnsrecon exploitdb f*ckshell nemesis nikto nmap pwndb snort sublist3r zaproxy Installing SecBSD Install OpenBSD Setup ports Clone SecBSD tools make && make install OpenBSD 6.7 Release Updating with a single