Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Kate Bradley Chernis – CEO & Founder of Lately – the Resilient Journey of a Tech Start Up CEO – Episode 156



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to introduce you to Kate Bradley Chernis - CEO & Founder of Lately, an A.I.-Powered Social Media Writing Software. Lately uses AI to LEARN what sales and marketing messaging your customers want to read and then builds a writing model that creates that content in DROVES for you, automatically. In this Episode: Kate shares her crazy vulnerable and resilient journey as a startup leader through the ups and downs Kate and I talked about women not owning their gifts and what happens when they do Learn more about women raising capital Conscious and unconscious bias We talked about how to stay true in the vision in front of you Learn more about Kate’s top social media marketing tips! An explanation straight from Kate how Lately - my favorite social marketing tool -  can help you on your social media marketing As a former marketing agency owner, Kate, initially created the idea for Lately out of spreadsheets for then-client, Walmart. Well, not just Wal