Coffee Break French

CBF 2:40 | Grammar review "a very pleasant evening"



We’ve arrived at the final episode in our series of Coffee Break French. In lesson 40, we reach the end of the meal in which our friends Christina, David, Sophie and Jean-Jaques have been getting to know each other. As usual, we cover a range of topics and constructions in this conversation and everything is explained in the lesson. Please note that lesson 40 of Season 2 was originally known as lesson 80 of Coffee Break French. We have renumbered the lessons of each season as lessons 1-40 to make things more simple for our listeners.This lesson marks the end of the Coffee Break French course and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our faithful listeners who have been working through the lessons week by week. We very much hope that you’ve enjoyed using Coffee Break French. This, of course, is not the end of the French materials from Radio Lingua. Coffee Break French Season 3 is waiting for you! Don't forget about our Walk, Talk and Learn French video series in which Pierre-Benoît, whom list