Christ Church Bartlett

Four Seasons of Our Spiritual Journey



Four Seasons of our Spiritual Journey Acts 9:19-31 Season #1 - WINTER - Signifies our life without Jesus Christ COMMON DANGER - False conversion Season #2 - SPRING - Signifies our new spiritual birth through faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 9:20, 28-29) COMMON DANGER - Failure at Discipleship Season #3 - SUMMER - Signifies our growth and maturity in Jesus Christ (Acts 9:30) COMMON DANGER - Distracted by the pressures, pursuits and pleasures of the world Season #4 - AUTUMN - Signifies our deep-rooted resolve to finish strong for Jesus. (2 Timothy 4:1-8) COMMON DANGER - The illusion of Retirement As WE Go . . . Regardless of what season you are in right now, starting today - surrender the rest of your life to the Lord Jesus and to the work of gospel ministry!