Faith Troy Sermons

Go And Rejoice



Mom to kids: "Can you help me cook something?" God wants our help--not in the kitchen--but what Jesus calls "the harvest field" #1 God asks us to GO into the "harvest field" God is at work in people's lives...then He tells His followers to Go reap the harvest. Jesus' instructions emphasize a couple points: 1. The urgency of the situation. 2. We need to trust God. A) In hard situations (ones that might even be dangerous) B) In need physically C) That His message would work in people's hearts How do you feel when you hear Jesus' words, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."? #2 God tells us to rejoice about our names written in heaven! God gives us a little work to do in his harvest field. He calls us to GO be a worker or to pray and support workers. And He promises we will have great rewards in heaven!