Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Laying Down the Law



We all know there are rules to follow in life. Yet, we aren't always very good in following them. This can make Christian life seem impossible: we can't live up to what God asks of us. In this sermon, Fr. Stephen walks us through a very difficult passage with rules we cannot possibly keep. Jesus says these things to encourage us to seek the purpose of the law--not just to obey it but to embrace it as something good. The result isn't more obedient slaves, but more virtuous children.Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:21-37Preached on the 6th Sunday after Epiphany, February 16th, 2020 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsJesus' hard teachings are meant to surprise and shockBut they are given by a Lord who loves and understands usJesus calls us to embrace the purpose of the lawLaw's purpose is to make us more godlyGodliness comes with attacking sin at its rootDeal with motivations for sin by working on relationshipsDivorce is a broken relationshipJesus calls us to lean into marriage, not look for a loophole to