Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

John the Humble



Humility is challenging, and not just because we think we're perfect in every way. It requires us to ignore our desire for praise, and instead desire to do what is right and good. This is especially important in Christian life, where we are called to seek Christ's honour above our own. So, how do we overcome our natural aversion to humility? In this sermon, Fr. Stephen points to John the Baptist as an example of what humility looks like, and how it works in Christian life today.Scripture Reference: John 1:29-43Preached on the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, January 19, 2020 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsHumility requires putting a goal above your own needsJohn's ministry was powerful and high-profileHe is great because he gave glory to Jesus above himselfWe crave praise because we need to feel importantFollowing Jesus means trusting he finds us importantThus, we don't need to seek praiseWe glorify Jesus by spending time with himSpending time helps us absorb his lightThis light helps people see Jesus