Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Jesus, Take the Wheel



Everyone today seems anxious and fearful. Yet, we live in a time of unprecedented prosperity, peace, and stability. Why don't we feel better, when there are so many things going right? In this sermon, Fr. Stephen suggests that a key reason is that we don't appreciate what the Epiphany story tells us. It tells us that even when bad actors take the stage, there is a Divine director who is in control. This Divine director brought us Jesus, and is the One we can trust to see us through to a bright future.Scripture Reference: Matthew 2:1-12Preached on January 5, 2020, the Feast of the Epiphany by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsChaos and lack of control leave us anxiousThe story of the magi reveals that God is in controlDespite modern prosperity, we are anxiousThis anxiety comes because we realize we don't have much controlWe are freed from anxiety when we learn to let God take controlTrust in God's control of things we cannot change lets us focus on the things we canFurther ReferenceThe Second Coming. A