Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Supporting Cast



Most of us at some time wish we got more credit for what we do. We see others getting praised, when we know we work just as hard as them. Sometimes, others get to shine as stars when we are left in supporting roles. Yet, the Bible often shows us that supporting characters are deeply important to the story of salvation. In this sermon, Fr. Stephen holds up St. Joseph as an example of the importance supporting characters play. His supportive role, behind the scenes, is what allows the main characters to shine and what allows the drama of salvation to play out as God intended.Scripture reference: Matthew 1:18-25Preached on the 4th Sunday of Advent, December 22, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsSupporting characters can make or break a film productionSt. Joseph is a supporting character in Jesus' storyJoseph has the humility to allow Jesus to shineJoseph has the obedience to do as God commandsChristians who work without fame are just as important as those who have itChristian faithfulness comes f