Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Hope Is An Action



We all want peace. Yet, do we dare to hope for it when this has so often been disappointed? Peace isn't easy, and it is costly. Here, Rev. Lisa Pacarynuk reflects on the hope for peace, and the cost of making peace. Peace comes through repentance. This is more than feeling sorry. It is in turning our lives around to become peacemakers through God's graceScripture Reference: Matthew 3:1-12Preached on the 2nd Sunday of Advent, December 8, 2019 by Rev. Lisa PacarynukSermon HighlightsWe often despair that peace doesn't comeYet, peace isn't something we passively receivePeace is made through actionJohn the Baptist calls us to repentanceRepentance means changing direction, and making peace our personal responsibilityIn Advent, we hope for change because God's grace makes us agents of changeChrist's coming means preparing ourselves and our world for His comingThis involves us owning our need for changeChrist's power destroys the old in order to change us for the better See for privacy and opt-out i